Saturday 18 June 2011

Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned? - Dr Air Care

We have them at home, but we never pay enough attention to them. Air ducts can be very useful –as they can be potentially dangerous to our health if not properly maintained. If you are looking for information on why and how you should have the air ducts at home cleaned, take a deep breath and keep reading: you have found the right article.

First, we will tell you how dirty air ducts can damage your health. Then, we will discuss other inconveniences of not keeping properly cleaned air ducts in your home or office. Finally, we will explain how air duct cleaning done. By the time you are done reading, you will be ready to contact the nearest dryer vent cleaning services company.

Many people are worried about air pollution, but keep considering it an outdoor problem. In fact, the air ducts in your home and office filter much of the debris that is constantly floating in the air. However, if they are not properly maintained and operated, they may get littered with accumulated dirt and allergens such as pollen, dust, rodent droppings and other dangerous components. In fact, industry standards recommend air ducts be inspected at least every two years for cleanliness, depending on the conditions of your place of residence (it’s different if you live in a polluted city than in a country house). Otherwise, you and your family may experience negative effects for your health. Some of these contaminants may cause allergic reactions or other symptoms in you and whoever is exposed to them. 

Even so, there are other inconveniences too. Air ducts that become clogged with accumulated debris become much less efficient and therefore, require more energy. This way you end up spending a lot of money paying for extra energy, and this is also not good for the environment. With a proper air duct cleaning service, you will optimize their utility. So even if you spend some money today, you will be saving in the long run.

How do air dust cleaning services work? When you hire them, you need to make sure that the service provider agrees to clean all components of the system and is qualified to do so. They typically work by using specialized tools to dislodge dirt and other debris in ducts, and then vacuuming them out with a high-powered vacuum cleaner. In addition, the service provider may propose applying chemical treatments, but in this case you should be asked first.

Now you know why air duct cleaning is very important for your home or office. And if you are still in doubt that a proper air duct cleaning is necessary, simply remove the register cover on your central air unit and see for yourself what has collected inside the duct. Amazing and disgusting, isn’t it? Wait no more: contact today a professional air duct cleaning Long Beach to set up an appointment to have your ventilation system properly inspected and cleaned.

Is Air Duct Cleaning Right for Me? -

There are number of factors which motivate people to clean their homes and maintain a healthy living environment. If you are suffering from having trouble breathing or seem to be getting sick more frequently than usual, air duct cleaning service may be that you need to help relieve your symptoms. Ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems accumulate a variety of contaminants like bacteria and fungi which reduce the quality and purity of indoor air.  This can cause many various health conditions to arise.  For example, if you don’t get your heating and cooling systems serviced periodically, there will be a subsequent chance of assembling the dust particles, debris, mold or allergens into your air ducts. Hence, it is necessary to clean your air ducts at the same time, you are when you are servicing your cooling and heating system.

Here are a few reasons which of why you should consider air duct cleaning:
-              Before moving into a new home.                    
-              After home remodeling or construction.
-              If you want to save some money on your utility bills.
-              If you find your home accumulating more dust on furniture regularly.
-              Contaminated/Stagnant water or any major damage to the home.
-              Poor indoor air quality and other external factors.

The most effective practice to clean your air duct or ventilation system is by using a sophisticated and specialized vacuum which applies a negative pressure on these appliances. While devices are inserted into the air duct to dislodge the contaminated matter and debris from the inner surface, the vacuum draws air through the system. Usage of anti-microbial sanitizers can also be applied to control bacterial contamination. But, before using them you must make sure that they are registered by EPA (Environmental Protection Agencies) for use in these systems. It’s better to check out for reliable and quality sanitizers rather than choosing the ones which have less price value.

The amount of time it takes an air duct cleaning services provider company to complete a residential cooling system mainly depends upon the size and number of systems, number of workers performing the task and the extent of contamination. But, it is equally important to choose the best company which suits your models and establishment of systems. In the present arena, most every city has at least one duct cleaning company. So, there is no point to wait till the situation gets worse rather setting an appointment which makes you to feel much better than before.

According to the EPA, a buildup of 0.45 inch dirt on a system can reduce up to 21% of efficiency. So, the choice is yours to make or break. 

Eminence of Air Duct Cleaning in Your Home to Live Healthy Life - Dr Air Care

The air ducts running through your home are part of your home’s heating and cooling system. Air ducts can be both helpful & harmful at the same time. While still studies are divided whether the contamination of these ducts can be really fatal, it is still questionable and agreeable to understand that air duct cleaning can be helpful, given the various presences of pollutants, allergens and harmful particles that can live within the air ducts within our household and at our workplace. It is of paramount importance that the air ducts are cleaned sporadically, to reduce the ill-effect that can be caused by them and to help the free flow of clean, pure air into our homes.

Oxygen is considered the elixir of life, and is necessary for the very sustenance of human beings. The human species is able to often develop many immunities and defenses to many viruses and pollutants we encounter on a daily basis. Although sometimes we can be exposed to pollutants and bacteria on a regular basis within our home that is trapped within our air ducts that can be harmful and cause discomfort. The circulation of air in most homes is done by the air duct ventilation systems. These air duct systems can be a good diagnostic tool to check the quality of the air inside our homes. Problems can occur when the air duct system maintenance is neglected and pollutants get trapped within the ducts and cause us to breathe these pollutants within the air in our house.

There are many indicators that air duct systems are not properly maintained or under threat of being causing you and your family’s health harm. If the heating or cooling systems in your house isn’t easily accessible often times it is advisable to call in a professional for assistance. Moisture or the presence of even an ounce of wetness in the air ducts can cause the growth of molds and other bacteria.  Molds or bacterial growth have to be looked upon seriously and if they aren’t cleaning then the mold may recur in the air duct system again. Proper dryer vent cleaning requires the cleaning of various components of the system to be cleaned part-by-part, thereby ensuring that no blockage or mold-growth is present in these systems. The main parts, however being the inlet/outlet pipe, condensers, heating & cooling coils, fans and the motors. Special tools are used to remove the particles lodged onto the cleaning systems. Sometimes special chemicals or germicides are used to kill the bacteria or harmful microbial growth.

What is Air Duct Cleaning and how it works - Dr Air Care

Now a day people become so aware about air pollution and health related problems.  Air and vent cleaning gives health reward.  Even owner of the builders are taking care of air cleaning systems in construction. We should know actually what air duct cleaning system is and how it works. 

With pollution continuing to grow year after year most people are aware of air pollution and in some large cities can even visibly see the affects during certain weather conditions.  Although many people may believe that the air they are breathing outside is the cause of their allergies or asthma symptoms the real culprit may lay within the air ducts inside of your home or office building where you work.  Without proper air duct cleaning maintenance the majority of buildings indoor air quality is that of a lower quality than the air outside.

One of the major causes of this problem is the continual improvement of building techniques and practices being followed during the construction of new homes, offices and other buildings.  While these improvements can help reduce your monthly utility costs it is also keeping all of the air contained within the structure restricting proper air flow.  With all of the air trapped in one area over time the air quality begins to degrade and then is simply recirculated within the building from the central heating and cooling system.  Over time dust, allergens, bacteria, dead skins flakes, dander and other potential harmful bacteria begin to build up within the air ducts.  Proper air duct cleaning is often times not attended to. 

There are now many companies that offer services to improve the quality of indoor air through the use of air duct cleaning services.  There are more and more of these types of companies springing up all of the time and you may have seen an ad in your local newspaper or coupon flyer booklet that comes in your mailbox.  If and when you decide you would like to have your air duct cleaned it is important to go with a reputable company to ensure that you have the services properly performed.  It is a good idea to look for customer references and testimonials or ask family or friends opinions when deciding upon the company of your choice.
The cost of the services that you will receive depend on many factors including the type of heating and cooling system your home has, ease of access to its components, age of system, climate you live in, the size of your system and it’s level of contamination.  It is recommended to have a certified professional come to your home and look at your system to obtain a quote for the cost of cleaning.  There are many various components to the proper cleaning of a heating and cooling system some of which include supply and return air ducts and vents, grilles, heat exchangers heating and cooling coils, diffusers, drip pans, fan housing and motor, and registers.  To ensure a proper air duct cleaning is performed make certain that you feel comfortable with your service provider and also don’t be afraid to ask questions and receive helpful tips and reminders for the continued proper maintenance of your system in the future from your service provider.  The willingness and friendliness of the companies’ staff you choose to work with in answering your questions opening is often a good sign that the company is going to be able to provide you with a proper air duct cleaning service and be able to meet your needs.