Saturday 18 June 2011

Eminence of Air Duct Cleaning in Your Home to Live Healthy Life - Dr Air Care

The air ducts running through your home are part of your home’s heating and cooling system. Air ducts can be both helpful & harmful at the same time. While still studies are divided whether the contamination of these ducts can be really fatal, it is still questionable and agreeable to understand that air duct cleaning can be helpful, given the various presences of pollutants, allergens and harmful particles that can live within the air ducts within our household and at our workplace. It is of paramount importance that the air ducts are cleaned sporadically, to reduce the ill-effect that can be caused by them and to help the free flow of clean, pure air into our homes.

Oxygen is considered the elixir of life, and is necessary for the very sustenance of human beings. The human species is able to often develop many immunities and defenses to many viruses and pollutants we encounter on a daily basis. Although sometimes we can be exposed to pollutants and bacteria on a regular basis within our home that is trapped within our air ducts that can be harmful and cause discomfort. The circulation of air in most homes is done by the air duct ventilation systems. These air duct systems can be a good diagnostic tool to check the quality of the air inside our homes. Problems can occur when the air duct system maintenance is neglected and pollutants get trapped within the ducts and cause us to breathe these pollutants within the air in our house.

There are many indicators that air duct systems are not properly maintained or under threat of being causing you and your family’s health harm. If the heating or cooling systems in your house isn’t easily accessible often times it is advisable to call in a professional for assistance. Moisture or the presence of even an ounce of wetness in the air ducts can cause the growth of molds and other bacteria.  Molds or bacterial growth have to be looked upon seriously and if they aren’t cleaning then the mold may recur in the air duct system again. Proper dryer vent cleaning requires the cleaning of various components of the system to be cleaned part-by-part, thereby ensuring that no blockage or mold-growth is present in these systems. The main parts, however being the inlet/outlet pipe, condensers, heating & cooling coils, fans and the motors. Special tools are used to remove the particles lodged onto the cleaning systems. Sometimes special chemicals or germicides are used to kill the bacteria or harmful microbial growth.

1 comment:

  1. If your air ducts are dirty and they need to be cleaned. Chances are something has led up to the revelation that years of dust, dirt and debris can't be a good thing.

    Duct Cleaning
